Maverick wrote:
> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> . ..
>> Maverick wrote:
>>> "Serendipity" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>> Favourite burger bun here is a white bread including the egg.
The temps are
>>>>> dropping;
>>>>> it's
>>>>> raining here and acting like it might try to freeze tonight, so no
>>>>> grilling
>>> Wimp! ;->
>> Ha! It was pouring down rain, and windy... I don't have a garage,
>> just an
>> open patio.
>>>>> Jill
>>> Now, with all that being said, I do have to state that I do NOT
>>> grill
>>> burgers. I grill stakes, chicken, roasts and pork of all varieties.
>>> No
>>> burgers though.
>>> YMMV,
>>> Bret
>> Why on earth wouldn't you grill burgers?
>> Jill
> Because every time I try it, I screw it up. I always sacrifice at
> least one
> patty to the BBQ God and it is not intentional. I have a tendency to
> burn
> the outside but the inside raw.
You need to use the indirect heat method. I only know how to cook over coal
or wood lump. But the premise is put the burgers away from the direct heat
source. I'll cook the burgers, you pass me a beer!