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Lena B Katz wrote:
> On Thu, 10 Mar 2005, Sandi wrote:
> >
> > Lena B Katz wrote:
> >> On Wed, 9 Mar 2005 wrote:
> >>
> >>> In, Lena B Katz > wrote:
> >>>
> >>>> Not at all. So you're telling me you've got a better solution

> > twelve
> >>>> year olds on motorcycles with assault rifles shooting your

> >>>
> >>> I have not yet found that my neighborhood twelve year olds ride
> >>> motorcycles. Much less shoot guns. Much less assault rifles.
> >>>
> >>
> >> 2. You're gonna care about laws when kids are shooting the

> > neighborhood
> >> with assault rifles? Get real.
> >>
> >>

> >
> > You need to get real. 12 year old "kids" with "assault" rifles?
> > Gimme a
> > break.

> You want pictures? Just go google them. It hit the front page, and

> on TV. Try looking under Rwanda.
> One of my friends lost quite a
> few friends to kids
> like that.

This conversation started with an assault on a woman in the US...not in
Rwanda. You need to try staying with the actual conversation instead of
hijacking it. Pictures? Seen them and live them. I live in a third
world country that has a major violence problem, an overabundance of
automatic and semiautomatic weapons and is a receiving point for Mara
Salvatruchas deported from the US. You do know who the Maras are don't
you? You do know about the December bus massacre of women and children?
the barbershop massacre a few days after that? the several hijackings
of private vehicles in the weeks after the barbershop?

> > 16 or 17 year old gang bangers with semiautomatic weapson are
> > not "kids with assault rifles." I live in gang banger heaven here.

> > "kids" seem to favor old's only the more "mature"

> > year olds and above and up that have moved into semiautomatic and
> > automatic weapons.

> What do you do to defend yourself?

Why do you think I'm so paranoid that I need to defend myself? However,
should the need arise, the appropriate technology is readily available.

> > BTW, do you even know the difference between a
> > semiautomatic weapon and an assault weapon. It sure seems that you
> > don't.

> Assault rifles are capable of taking out cars. That's my working
> definition.

Lousy definition. A well placed round from a .45 caliber pistol or a
..357 magnum pistol will take out a car also. Those could hardly be
classified as assault rifles. Come back and talk when you actually KNOW
what an assault rifle is.
