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Dan Abel wrote:
> In article >, zxcvbob >
> wrote:
>>I paid $200 for a very nice Ruger Blackhawk .30 revolver last fall, but

> I assume used? I just happened to be on the Ruger web page when reading
> your post, and they show US$468 for that.

Yes, it was used, but not used very much. I got a really good deal. :-)
The prices you see on Ruger's web site are MSRP. Go to
for real prices for new and used guns.
Also check out Davidson's web site <> (where
you will see that MSRP again.) When you find a gun you like, click on
the "find a dealer in your area" link to see what you can buy a new one
from a dealer near your zipcode -- with a lifetime warranty from
Davidson's. I found Davidson's by clicking thru a link on one of
Ruger's web pages.

I joined a bullseye target pistol league in February. They won't let
newbies shoot anything buy .22's. I didn't like the loaner guns they
had, and I hated shooting a different gun every week. Rather than get
****ed about it, I bought a new Ruger .22 target pistol from Davidson's
-- model P678GC for about $230. I ordered it on Sunday afternoon, and
it arrived at the local dealer the following Tuesday.

I'm having a lot of fun shooting the .22.

Best regards,