"beddie" > wrote in message
>I just bought an Aubecq non stick frying pan today at Home Goods. I've
> never heard of this brand and cannot find a thing about it. They look
> different (they're gold colored)and I hate my expensive non stick pans,
> so I figured anything is better.
> I have All Clad non stick and Calphalon non stick pans and they're both
> horrible. They are not non stick anymore. I do not use metal in them,
> never use high heat and right away, they're not non stick anymore.
> Has anyone actually heard of, know anything about and/or tried Aubecq
> pans?
> Any help would be appreciated!
Allclad have a lifetime guarantee. If your non-stick isn't non-sticking,
send it back and they'll replace it. I don't know about Calphalon, but it
wouldn't surprise me if their high-end brands came with the same guarantee.