On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 09:40:00 -0500, "Anita Amaro" >
> wrote in message
.. .
>> >
>> >Congratulations! And dinner sounds delicious. I've fallen off the WW
>> >but hope to get back on very soon. Hearing this is inspiring.
>> Yeah, the WW "core" program is the only non-fad thing I've tried that
>> not only works, but makes makes total health sense.
>> If I'm hungry, I eat...but I know what to eat.
>> We make full meals every day, and none of it goes against the
>> philosophy. It's simply substituting healthy versions of what we
>> already like to eat.
>> Plus I'm learning to work with all kinds of vegetables that I
>> previously blew off...and it tunrs out I love 'em!
>I'm a WW Lifer, 40 pounds and over 4 years at goal. It's a great program!
>Congrats and keep up the good work.
Made my 10% goal this week, Yahoo!!!!
Started out counting points which is what I needed to get me back on
track, now I'm doing core.
However, I'm not telling you what tonight's dinner is, it is so
totally NOT WW.
(hint) liquid diet from Scotland with water.
Does that count toward my water quota?
A Yuman being on the net
(posting from San Diego)