Wüsthof Knife Question
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> LIke one poster above said, don't buy a set! Take your time and
> acquire individual pieces for your hand and favorite uses. I started
> with an equal number of Wusthof and Henckels. Now any additions are
> Henckels. I prefer them, better balanced, usually on sale for a
> greater percentage discount (keep checking, many on sale
> right now), and they take a home sharpening better.
> .
> Other pieces I have are Chicago Cutlery and Ace Hardware (really).
Well the set I have decided to buy is cheaper than 1 Wusthof knive, and
with the set I'll get 3 knifes, a new block & sharpening tool, so
really I think this is a good buy. The block has 9 slots, so I can add
more pieces at any time, or keep some of my old favorites. :-)
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