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  #7 (permalink)   Report Post  
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Yef opined:

> I have proven by experimentation that you can
> make a Key Lime pie filling that is not a heart-killing
> toxic mess.
> 1 Replace the egg yolks with egg whites.
> 2 Replace the margarine with canola oil.
> 3 Use half the sugar.
> Result: same texture, better flavor and
> easier on the teeth as well.

Try this one; it's even HEALTHIER!

1. Replace the egg yolks with distilled water.
2. Replace the margarine with purified glacier water.
3. Omit the sugar altogether.

Result: better texture, better flavor, and easier on the teeth as well.

YOUR concoction is a revolting vomitous POISON. Try to be more considerate
of other people's health, wouldja?
