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Timothy Hartley
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In message >
Ian Hoare > wrote:

> Salut/Hi Midlife,
> le/on Fri, 11 Mar 2005 23:15:10 -0800, tu disais/you said:-
> >I keep learning more new things about my e-mail software. For instance, all
> >I have to do is open an offensive post, then go to the kill file rule I set
> >up recently..... click on "add Criterion" and whaddaya know???.........One
> >more 'from' address in the kill file. Only takes a second.

> It'sa even easier than that with my newsreader. When I see some childish
> drivel, I press CTRL-K, and then click on the Okay button and hop, every
> post from them disappears into thin air.

And even easier with mine, I‘ve discovered, it has a button on the icon bar
specifically dedicated to kill-filing — click it and it‘s done. This seems to be
one of the advanatages of not using a standard machine, along with it being virtually
impossible to pick up viruses because the OS is wholly different.

Timothy Hartley

[Using an Acorn RiscPC]