Katra >, if that's their real name, wrote:
>In article >,
> "Maverick" > wrote:
>> "Katra" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > In article >,
>> > "Maverick" > wrote:
>> >
>> >> I'd say you were PC, but I think being PC is bullshit! ;->
>> >>
>> >> Bret
>> >
>> > Yeah, his reply was better than mine... <G>
>> > I'm usually not that mean, but for some reason, that one hit me wrong
>> > tonight and ticked me off!
>> > --
>> > K.
>> I'll be the first to admit that anything I post will most definitely not be
>> PC. I think the whole PC issue is anal and I ain't a goin there!
>Ditto here! ;-)
>Also not being able to spank your kids......
>Heck, I got spanked plenty when I was growing up and I'm _anything_ but
>a violent person! :-P
I am. Not when I'm awake, but I'm very, very violent when I'm sleeping. I
have a huge amount of rage nicely tucked inside my perky little exterior.
Its source is from many places, the first of which was being beaten with a
wooden spoon.
>> But! I think Damsel should send the next packet of midol your way... (ain't
>> bein PCignorant grand?)
>I'll settle for some Xanax....... ;-D
Klonopin is the best I can do, and I need that for myself. It gets pretty
ugly around here if I don't take it.
"Years ago my mother used to say to me... She'd say,
'In this world Elwood, you must be oh-so smart or oh-so pleasant.'
Well, for years I was smart.... I recommend pleasant. You may quote me."
*James Stewart* in the 1950 movie, _Harvey_