Thread: Glass Teapots
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Space Cowboy
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My current 1 liter cylindrical glass pot is a modified tea press. All
you need is a hack saw and plastic wall anchor. You shorten the
plunger arm and push it through the cap secured with the wall anchor.
The stainless steel gill filter only contacts the tea when pouring.
You can use Google and find the modification instructions. I like a
tea press because they rest in their own plastic protective cradle with
convenient handle. You can find them in discount stores in various
sizes with the big ones just $5. I just got a 1.5 liter Asian pot with
coffee pot style handle and infuser for $8.


Serendip wrote:
> I have a small (20 ounce) glass teapot (with infuser), and would like

> get a bigger one.
> And so it starts...