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Ginny Sher wrote:
> I'm thinking of making some corned beef and using Sheldon's recipe.
> Since I've never tried any recipe which calls for pickling, I need
> some help on the amount of spices to use for his recipe. I know it
> will depend on portion. Are "pickling spices" from my local
> supermarket OK to use?

Be aware that my recipe is NOT for how to corn beef, only for how to
cook corned beef.

You can use any pickling spices, but I've tried many commercial blends
and none compare with Penzeys. Other pickling spice blends go heavy on
the mustard seeds, the least expensive spice. Penseys pickling spice
blend uses a lower proportion of mustard seeds and contains far more of
the more expensive spices... and of a greater assortment... it is also
of fresh full potency ingredients.

Penzeys Pickling Spice
"A high-quality blend for all pickling and canning, and packed with
flavorful spices for traditional recipes. Use 2-3 tsp. per quart for
bread and butter pickles, pickled eggs or onions, canned tomatoes and
peppers. For dill pickles, add fresh dill sprigs and garlic cloves.
Also nice for sauerbraten. We use less mustard seed than most pickling
spice mixes, as mustard is the least expensive spice around. Penzeys
pickling spice has the proper blend of spices, mustard and bay leaves.
Hand-mixed from: yellow and brown Canadian mustard seeds, Jamaican
allspice, cracked China cassia, cracked Turkish bay leaves, dill seed,
Zanzibar cloves, cracked China ginger, Tellicherry peppercorns, star
anise, Moroccan coriander, juniper berries, West Indies mace, cardamom
and medium hot crushed red peppers."
