Thread: Weird Hamburger
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  #44 (permalink)   Report Post  
Ellie C
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aem wrote:
> Ellie C wrote:
> [snip]
>>> Ellie C > wrote:

>>>>I cooked up some American Chop Suey for lunch today, using
>>>>hamburger from the local market. [snip]

> Okay, you've established that you have cooking skills and the consensus
> seems to be that the butcher/market did you a bad deed, now on to the
> important question: What in the world is "American Chop Suey"?
> -aem

WHere I come from (Massachusetts) it's a mixture of elbow pasta, ground
beef, onions, green peppers (which I leave out) and some sort of tomoato
sauce. Funny, when I was googling this recipe name some time ago I came
across a version on a web site for Indian cooking (dot, not feather) and
it was a sort of curry. So opinions vary, obviously. :-)