notbob wrote:
> On 2005-03-12, Bob (this one) > wrote:
>>There's a problem with ethanol. It eats car parts. That's why it
>>hasn't caught on as a substantial contributor to fuel for automobile
> Bull. Despite the alcohol fuel supply problems, Brazil has been
> running all alcohol cars since the 70's. Here in the US, 10% alcohol
> fuel has been a reality, off and on, since the 80s. It's what I've
> been running in my Honda Si (when I can find it) for the last 225K
> miles.
> Did anyone really expect the situation to be other than what it is
> after putting GWB in the white house for a second term? Last night's
> news was most revealing. The Saudi's have dropped oil prices by $1.50
> a barrel, but there have been no new gas refineries built in the US in
> the last twenty years. The refiners are bragging about the profit
> margin. This isn't rocket science, just simple greed.
> n
Here in Minnesota, all gasoline is 10% ethanol. There's one place in
town that sells 85% ethanol (they call it E85). I wrote to GM to see if
I could use that in my 2001 truck and they said no. No higher than E10.
The Minnesota legislature is talking about requiring all gasoline in
the state to be at least 20% ethanol by... 2008, I believe. It will be
interesting (not necessarily good) to see what happens if that passes.