In article .com>,
"aem" > wrote:
> Katra wrote:
> [snips]
> > Tch! Here's an herbal prescription for you...
> >
> > Find one very large, healthy San Pedro cactus. [snip the rest]
> Someathing veddy interesting here....I posted a reply to this (through
> Google) in which I mentioned the common name for the active ingredient
> that would result from this concoction. The reply has not appeared.
> Is there a secret moderator/censor/automated filter at work? What are
> the forbidden words, I wonder?
> -aem
Might be... who knows?
At least for this newsgroup thru google?
It would not surprise me if Google censors.
There are specific newsgroups for this subject.
I refrained from stating the "specific" active alkaloid
that is the main, uh, "tranquilizer". <lol>