dgs > wrote on 12 Mar 2005:
> Dave Witzel wrote:
>> ers (Joel) wrote on 11 Mar 2005:
>>> Look, Phil, if you really want to play your little USENET
>>>sock puppet games you really ought to come up with a better
>>>pseudonym. I mean really, who would believe a name like
>>>"Dave Witzel" is real? Successful sock puppets have names
>>>like Geronimo, CM_Dave ("Charles Manson" Dave), Crisis Nursery,
>>>BeerNazi, or Lew Bryson.
>> I'm sorry. I made it up as a lark, then handed it off to a good
>> friend of mine. I swear it's all true.
> LIAR! Your friends aren't "good."
Depends on what we're talking about, big boy. They do, however,
supply me with (look! On-topic!) beer from around the world when
they visit or I visit them, helping me in my quest to travel the
world via the bottle, as it were.
>>> So go back to your "I live in NYC and get anything I want
>>>3 feet from my doorstep but still end up eating greasy cheese
>>>'pizza' and watching reruns of Seinfeld while drinking cheap
>>>box wine" neighborhood and stop bothering us.
>> Jeffersons, Jole. The Jeffersons. Movin' on up to the East
>> Side?
> Finally got yourself a piece of the pie?
Well, something's burning on the grill, and we have gotten up that
hill. I guess we're okay.
>> Now go back to your backwater burg in the middle of
>> Nowheresville with a second-class state school and flat land as
>> far as the eye can see. We urbanites have to drink more beer
>> with our pinkies out.
> Feh. You loosers who live east of the Cascade Mountains can
> have it all. From out here, y'all don't even exist. My local's
> better than your local, too.
At least we have good local lagers here.