Faye wrote:
> I am wondering if this can be canned successfully since it has a lot of oil
> in it. Can anyone tell me?
> Faye
> 5 onions, chopped
> 2 bell peppers, chopped
> 12 small tomatoes, chopped
> 3/4 cup jalapeno peppers, chopped
> 1 cup granulated sugar
> 1 cup cider vinegar
> 1 cup vegetable oil
> 1 cup water
> 4 tablespoons salt
> 4 tablespoons black pepper
> Combine all ingredients in a large pot, and simmer for 3 hours. Pour into
> hot clean jars and seal tightly with lids. Process in hot water bath for 10
> minutes. Place jars on towel to cool slowly.
> If a more fine-textured sauce is desired, process ingredients in a blender.
After only a few seasons, I'm still a rank beginner. Maybe apprentice.
The USDA guidelines call for a pH _below_ 4.7 for safe BWB
canning. This is complicated if you have large chunks of veggies
or if it is very dense. This doesn't look really dense, but I ain't
there. Forward your recipe to:
the Univ of GA which is the USDA's research facility for canning
and preserving. Or you could consult the Ball Blue Book, Putting
Food By, or any of the recommended books on our FAQ:
http://www.gbronline.com/jacke/rfpfaq/rfpFAQ.htm , for tested
recipes. While botulism is extremely rare, it also extremely toxic.
I'm too important to my family to risk it!
Sounds like a good recipe, tho - let us know how you do. I'm still
searching for the ultimate salsa recipe. I like Pace's, but I like
roasted peppers in mine. I don't see where you would need all that
oil - might just make a richer, more fattening dish and cover up
the flavor of the veggies. If you added this to cheese sauce you
might have a coronary ;( But how about some garlic?
Oregano? Cilantro? More garlic?
Edrena in the Southwest, salsa capitol of the world