Jude wrote:
> I've only had the boxed ones.......someone post a recipe for homemade,
> please?
From 'The Art of German Cooking' (I've never used this recipe as we
eyeball it but sounds right)
2 1/2 C sifted all purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs beaten
1/2 C water, as needed
Combine flour and salt in a bowl, make a well in the center and add the
eggs and enough water to make a stiff dough. Let stand for 30 minutes.
Heat a kettle of salted water to boiling and cut off thin slivers of
dough into the water.
(or use a Spatzle maker). Spatzle will rise to the surface when cooked,
remove and drain.
(you'll need to experiment with the texture of the dough if using the
Spatzle maker)