Damsel in dis Dress > wrote:
>My basic fears are that they'll stick to the pan and they they'll tear when
>I try to flip them or remove them from the pan. See? I don't even know if
>they're flipped or not.
And if they stick? Who cares, geta dog, they love the mistakes. I
don't know where crepe phobia comes from but I had it too. Then I
figured - good grief we're talking about 50 cents worth of stuff here,
who cares? And you know what - they are not that hard. Believe me,
if I can do it anyone can. And if you can't - try again. The
shredded failures taste just as good as the perfect ones. And if you
put 'em in a pan and cover them with sauce and cheese who's going to
know the difference anyway? I will tell you one tiny secret that
helped me - as they start to set, slowly tap down around the edge with
a small spatula - kind of loosening the very edge from the pan. You
will actually see the drying going on in a sort of science-fiction
collapse from outside to the center. About halfway through this,
shake the pan a little, or take the spatula and lift one side up to
the center, then lift the opposite side up to the center, then shake
again. Before the top is completely dry, you should be able to slide
it around in the pan at will. Reach in there with your fingers - it
won't burn you - lift an edge and flip it over. Another few seconds
and it's done. Would I lie to you? I'm a food idiot and I can do it.