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Monsur Fromage du Pollet > wrote:
>The whole trick is letting the batter rest over night. Then is time for
>crepes, moo shoo pork and stuffed egg dumplings.

I would agree. I usually only give it 2 hours but the longer it
rests, within reason ( =no more than 12 hours or so) the more you are
sure that the flour has absorbed liquid to the greatest extent and
then you can probably thin it slightly with water to the consistency
of heavy cream. The absence of bubbles is the goal, also. I think
I'm used to the name now, BTW although I still can't pronounce it.
I'm midwest hick, my daughter is in 3rd year Spanish and I studied
German. What a waste. I also learned a considerable amount of
Swahili many years ago, but I'd rather not ..... never mind. It's a
sore point with the missus. Old girlfriend, ya know.