Denise~* wrote:
> My first real knifes. Whoo hoo!
> I ended up getting the Wüsthof Grand Prix 5-Piece Knife Block Set
> Our previous set were an 8 year old set of Farberware that we got from
> DH's parents as a wedding gift. They couldn't hold a sharp edge if
> their lives depended on it.
> My favorite knife is one that can keep a hair fine edge.
> I found it at a thrift store for I believe $1.50
> It's stamped on the blade "Olde Colony" and Japan.
> No clue "where" it came from. I cannot find any reference on Google.
> One thing I also found, while paroosing Amazon, is that Wusthof also had
> an apron/towel set on sale for only $9.99, down from $25.00 Can't beat
> that!
> Along with a couple other choice kitchen items, I got an additional
> $25.00 discount promotion, and free shipping.
> Can you say, "I scored"? I think you can! :-)
> I know, this sounded like Amazon spam, but I don't care, I'm happy.
> and I have no affiliation with Amazon, other than purchasing from them.
Congratulations - use them well.
I hope your set came with a steel - steel each knife every time you use
it - like chalking your pool cue.
================================================== =============
Louis Cohen
"Yes, yes, I will desalinate you, you grande morue!"
Émile Zola, Assommoir 1877