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Ariane Jenkins
Posts: n/a

On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 03:19:57 GMT, Harry Demidavicius > wrote:

> Samantha and I did that last April Ariane. Barged on the Loire Valley
> canals and did some Paris too. As a general observation, there are
> not many bargain opportunities in Europe. Their 'Foodie' toy shops
> are behind ours, although I did spot a nice carving knife/fork set.
> Their Markets and grocery shops are worth a tour though.
> If you're going for Aliments and Spirits, I'd go to the Brandy section
> for Spirits, and of course there are some awfully nice Estates in the
> Loire. I'd do my shopping in Paris so that as not to have to schlepp
> the stuff all over the place.

Yeah, that's what I figured we'd do. FWIW, we'll be going most places by
rental car once we leave Paris. We'll be taking the train from Arles back to
Paris for the flight home at the end of our stay. There will be some room to
carry around stuff, and if we have to, I figure we could always buy a cheap
bag and check in luggage in addition to our carry ons.

> Basically, we didn't bother with Aliments and Spirits as we can do as
> well or better and mostly cheaper here in Calgary. Coffee is an
> exception. The French do this very well.
> The Louvre has some great quality Posters by the Renaissance and
> Impressionist guys, that make a great addition to most homes after you
> have then framed. In any event their Gift Shop is well worth a visit
> while you are at the Louvre. The first Sunday of every month is free
> admission - don't go unless you want to queue up for hours.
> If you want to visit 'Shrines' put the Poilanne Bakery on your route.
> See if you can get some starter [PS Freeze it before coming back].
> If you want more take it to e-mail, Ariane

Thanks, Harry! Coffee is a possibility. We don't drink it much, but
my dad is an addict. And the Impressionist posters are a good idea, that'd be
something relatively easy to ship back home, too.

For Paris, we were thinking of getting the Museum and Monuments
pass, not just to save money, but for its flexibility and the ability to skip
ticket lines. Where we're staying is pretty close to the Louvre.

I heard of Poilane's, but I'm afraid we won't have the resources to
freeze any starter before the return trip.


P.S. I may take you up on the e-mail offer too, thanks again.