Hi Bob,
I got the recipe from a cajun cooking group I am on. I thought it would be
more like a tabasco type sauce. I planned on putting into a blender after it
was cooked and then if it had any lumps strain it. What I was concerned
about was the hot water bath with the amount of oil that was in it. Your
idea of the pressure canning is a better one. I have another recipe that I
used last year which turned out great but had no oil but way too much garlic
so if I use that one again I will cut way down on the garlic. I did pressure
can it though.
I appreciate your help as well as Edrena's.
"zxcvbob" > wrote in message
> Faye wrote:
>> I am wondering if this can be canned successfully since it has a lot of
>> oil
>> in it. Can anyone tell me?
>> Faye
>> 5 onions, chopped
>> 2 bell peppers, chopped
>> 12 small tomatoes, chopped
>> 3/4 cup jalapeno peppers, chopped
>> 1 cup granulated sugar
>> 1 cup cider vinegar
>> 1 cup vegetable oil
>> 1 cup water
>> 4 tablespoons salt
>> 4 tablespoons black pepper
>> Combine all ingredients in a large pot, and simmer for 3 hours. Pour into
>> hot clean jars and seal tightly with lids. Process in hot water bath for
>> 10
>> minutes. Place jars on towel to cool slowly.
>> If a more fine-textured sauce is desired, process ingredients in a
>> blender.
> The oil shouldn't make any difference. The sugar doesn't make any
> difference. There's not enough salt to make any difference. It's just a
> matter of if there's enough vinegar to BWB process it, or if you'd need to
> pressure can it. There's enough onion in there that I would pressure
> process it. Ten pounds, for about 15 or 20 minutes. BWB might be OK, but
> I don't know. Where did you get the recipe?
> Best regards,
> Bob