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Michel Boucher > wrote:
>the batter towards the edges. When the top of the crêpes is almost
>completely dry looking, flip over with a spatula and let it cook
>quickly on the other side. I then roll it with two quick folds and
>place it in a dish previously placed in the oven at 150F. You should
>not really need to add fat to the cooking for the rest of the crêpes.
>Two things. One, if you're serious about this, buy a crêpière. It's a
>low edge frying pan. Too high an edge on your pan and you'll be ripping
>the crêpe trying to turn it over. My crêpière is heavy carbon steel
>and cost about 20$CDN and it's a magnificent tool although limited in
>use. It's French manufacture and the cooking surface is 20 cm across
>(almost 8 inches).

This appears to be the true "classic" technique, the one which gave me
crepe fear. I remember seeing a chef do this with 2 pans going
simultaneously, a veritable "crepe factory". It was pretty
impressive. I've never tried this, hence the fingers method. I also
don't think I could do it with a real crepe pan - I have to use a
nonstick one. You must have been doing this for a long time.