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(AlleyGator) wrote:
>Reach in there with your fingers - it
>won't burn you - lift an edge and flip it over. Another few seconds
>and it's done. Would I lie to you? I'm a food idiot and I can do it.

After a comment from Barb in her recipe post, I should qualify this.
My fingers are fairly heat-insensitive. If yours aren't do what I did
in the beginning - take a knife or small icing spreader or even a fork
if you're carefull, lift a spot up and then grab it and flip it over.
I guess this was sort of an irresponsible statement. If you've never
done crepes, you're really probably better off using Michael's method
and just sticking with it until you learn - I think it's really the
proper way. Sometimes, mastering a technique is more rewarding, even
if you get the same result. I may just get the real pan and try it,
for grins. I know it'll be a disaster at first, but if I beat it,
it'll be another little "yeah, I can do it" kind of thing. (I won't
be trying it if people are sitting around waiting for their crepes,