Michel Boucher > wrote:
>No. Actually I've only been doing this for about a year, on odd
>weekends for brunches at home. I alternate between crêpes and
>"galette", buckwheat pancakes. Same principle, different batter.
>I have also perfected the poaching of an egg quite recently.
I don't want to start another "how to season a pan" thread, but I'll
ask a dumb question. When you first get the pan, wash it ONE time
with soap and water, then season it like a - wait a minute, not cast
iron. This is like my carbon steel wok, which only became seasoned
with good maintenance and time. Is there anything special to do
before the first use? I did forget to put in my recipe post that
rather than brush the pan with oil, I now pour a small amt into the
pan, roll it around and pour it off into the crepe batter. Never need
to oil for the rest of the crepes.