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The Cook
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Default Simplifying Backup

I have found that putting all or almost all of my data files in one
folder (with sub folders) makes it very easy to backup. Just move the
top level folder to the backup software and let 'er rip.

Backup files

Most programs can have their working data files in folders other than
the ones originally specified by the program so I have them in the
backup folder. I still have a couple of programs that I need to
educate. Mastercook is one of them. Will let you know if I am able
to do it. Now I just copy My Collection to the backup folder.

I do not make copies of programs since almost all of them have to be
installed and copying them from a backup won't work. I do I have the
file each of the programs that have been downloaded from the net.
They are also in the backup files folder. It is also a good idea to
make sure that you know where the original of the program is and any
key that may be needed.

This method does not guarantee that you will do a backup regularly.
Having the folders in one mail folder makes it much easier to see what
does need to be backed up.

Susan N.

"Moral indignation is in most cases two percent moral, 48 percent indignation, and 50 percent envy."
Vittorio De Sica, Italian movie director (1901-1974)