In article >,
Damsel in dis Dress > wrote:
> Katra >, if that's their real name, wrote:
> >In article >,
> > Damsel in dis Dress > wrote:
> >
> >> Katra >, if that's their real name, wrote:
> >>
> >> >Here's an herbal prescription for you...
> >> >
> >> >Find one very large, healthy San Pedro cactus. (Peruvian torch works too)
> >> >They can easily be found on line, or at any good nursery that keeps
> >> >landscaping plants.
> >> >
> >> >Take a 1 ft. section (or approx. 200 to 300 grams if you want to weigh
> >> >it out). Remove all the spines with a veggie tool and slice it into one
> >> >inch slices. Carefully remove the round woody core. The lower or older
> >> >growth will be highest in Alkaloids so just save the upper part of the
> >> >whole for cactus propagation.
> >> >
> >> >Cut it up into chunks and place it into the blender, and run on high
> >> >until it's well pulverized. Strain off the juice and reduce it on a VERY
> >> >low simmer until it's down to about 1 cup. Boiling it damages the active
> >> >ingredient. Mix LIBERALLY with grapefruit juice and honey.
> >> >
> >> >Hold your nose and down it quickly on an empty stomach.
> >> >
> >> >Lay down and wait 2 hours.
> >> >
> >> >Wear sunglasses. ;-)
> >> >
> >> >And don't take with any other medications...
> >> >And don't try to drive or work.
> >> >And have your DH handy!!!
> >> >
> >> >And remember, ownership of these cacti is legal, but it is NOT legal to
> >> >ingest them. Seriously... <sigh>
> >>
> >> Wow, Katra! I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for this recipe.
> >> I really can't. LOL!
> >
> >It's posting was meant as humor... ;-)
> >I am glad that you took it that way!
> I'd be very concerned about you if you thought I'd actually go to all that
> trouble. <G>
Not. ;-)
And one would hope you'd do a lot of research too before trying anything
like this! <lol>
> >The "trip" resulting from this recipe lasts 8 to 12 hours and is
> >considered to be pretty harmless, but it is quite illegal,
> >unfortunately. :-P
> I feel weird enough all by myself without going to great lengths to feel
> even weirder. LOL!
> Carol
But then again...... with proper use, stuff like this is supposed to be
Personally, I've studied it as part of my "ancient religious" studies,
but would most likely never have the guts to actually try it! <sigh>
Kat the coward......
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again. -- Swami Beyondanada
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra