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Janet Bostwick
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"The Ranger" > wrote in message
> Janet Bostwick > wrote in message
> ...
>> "The Ranger" > wrote in message

> ...
>> > jmcquown > wrote in message

> . ..
> [snip]
>> > > The texture is a lot like catfish or flounder.
>> > >
>> > Firmer; much more [than] catfish or flounder.
>> >

>> That's funny--I was just going to say that the texture is much
>> finer and more tender than catfish. Catfish has a stronger taste
>> also.

> Hmmm. The tilapia filets I purchase are beauties but nowhere near as
> soft in texture or delicate in taste as catfish. Of course, I'm not
> fishing for my catfish filets usually, so the farmed variety are even
> more vanilla-like than the tilapia filets.

> The Ranger

I was puzzled by your description of tilapia as not being as soft or
delicate as catfish because in my experience the reverse is true.
Apparently there are 14 species of tilapia, ranging in length from 4-12
inches. Several of these species are cultivated for fish farming. The
difference in species may account for the filet size available in different
areas as well as the taste of the meat and coarseness of the flesh. The
individual species exhibit a wide tolerance to varying water conditions as
well. So, my tilapia may not be your tilapia ;o} (I imagine that also
applies to catfish.) Anyway, the tilapia available to me at my Costco out
here in the west are filets about 6-7 inches in length. My grocery stores
tend to carry smaller filets. Interesting fish. . .some build nests and
others raise their brood in the mouth, sometimes both mom and pop handle
this task.

Gotta get going, the honey rye flake mixture for the bread is done soaking
and is ready to move on. Pork loin and something and something for dinner.
