On 3/12/2005 4:59 PM, Bluesea wrote:
> If you decide on the Mikado, I highly recommend the Gold w/ the Swissgold
> infuser because the regular glass infusers are, IMO, a PITA allowing rooibos
> and other leaf particles to escape and/or plug up the slits which must be
> cleared with something like a toothbrush. The Swissgold, OTOH, is more like
> a Chatsford or Teeli basket providing better circulation (16 slits in the
> glass infuser vs. all those holes), a cleaner beverage, and easier clean-up.
Good to know - thanks!
>> Glass handles - do they really stay cooler enough that you can hold them
>> without a potholder?
> Yes!
Yay! There's even a total consensus on this!
>> In a larger pot, does glass keep the tea warm enough? I'm not sure I can
>> get used to putting clothing (cozy) on my teapot.
> YMwillV depending on how fast you drink and how warm/cool you like your tea.
> Using a candle warmer will light your tea from below and look really good as
> the flame wavers.
ARGGGGGH! One more tea accessory to "need" - I definitely need a bigger
kitchen, or need to start tossing things that aren't related to tea!
>> It would be easier to stick with my porcelain and stoneware and whatever
>> they are larger teapots, but I like seeing the water darken and deepen
>> as it brews, more so than the surprise when I pour it into the cup. What
>> can I say? Sometimes, I'm easily amused.
> Yup. Loose tea provides great visual entertainment. Cheap thrills
Then you add in the candle warmer, for the surround-sound equivalent.
> Since you're going to glass for the visual, I suggest that you also
> ascertain how each teapot under consideration aids/hinders your view of the
> agony of the leaves which can be fascinating.
Which is going to be difficult, since there's no place to see these up
close and personal here. And web "zoom" photos do only so much. But,
there's always the option I mentioned elsewhere, of letting the leaves
run free, and strain as I pour.
> For the Mikado Gold and warmer, I found the lowest prices at adagio.com.
> Their St. Patrick's Day Pot of Gold special includes a 4 oz tin of Irish
> Breakfast.
> For other Mikado teapots, the prices are lower at zackusa.com. I advise
> against the small Mikado because the useable capacity isn't that much
> greater than your 20 oz-er.