"Serendip" > wrote in message
> On 3/12/2005 4:59 PM, Bluesea wrote:
> > If you decide on the Mikado, I highly recommend the Gold w/ the
> > infuser because the regular glass infusers are, IMO, a PITA allowing
> > and other leaf particles to escape and/or plug up the slits which must
> > cleared with something like a toothbrush. The Swissgold, OTOH, is more
> > a Chatsford or Teeli basket providing better circulation (16 slits in
> > glass infuser vs. all those holes), a cleaner beverage, and easier
> Good to know - thanks!
Mind you, rooibos will get stuck wherever it may, but it won't clog up the
works like it can with the slits of a glass infuser and for cleaning, you
can just use your fingers to rub them out and won't need to use a brush.
> > Since you're going to glass for the visual, I suggest that you also
> > ascertain how each teapot under consideration aids/hinders your view of
> > agony of the leaves which can be fascinating.
> Which is going to be difficult, since there's no place to see these up
> close and personal here. And web "zoom" photos do only so much.
Just figure that if there's a handle or something else that covers,
especially the bottom, you won't be able to see well.
> But,
> there's always the option I mentioned elsewhere, of letting the leaves
> run free, and strain as I pour.
That really is the best both for the brewing and for the visual
entertainment. With a multiple-serving-sized pot, however, you'll want to
strain into another pot to avoid oversteeping while you enjoy your first
cup. For herbals, you don't have to strain into another pot because the brew
won't get bitter, only somewhat stronger which many people don't find
objectionable - but again, YMMV.
> Thanks!!
You're welcome

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