Not quite sure how I'd cook one of these!
Any ideas out there???
Volume 10, Number 10
March 9, 2005
Editor: Joseph Trainor
* * * Well, it looks as if the squid assault on the beaches
of Orange County was just a diversion.* Cthulu and his
undersea legions are making their main effort in the San
Francisco Bay area.
***** The San Francisco Chronicle reported "the arrival of
another species of giant squid, the Humboldt squid, also
called the 'jumbo squid,' offshore of the Bay area and
along much of the Pacific Coast."
***** "They average 15 to 60 pounds and generally measure
up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) long, but there is a historical
record of one that reached 700 pounds.* They have not been
seen in significant numbers off the Pacific Coast since 1930."
***** "But here they are, these giant squid, not hundreds,
not thousands, but millions of them.* They have roared in
from the depths across the Pacific to within 20 miles (32
kilometers) of Half Moon Bay and Bodega Bay.* Many others
have been detected in southern Baja (California), San
Diego and even Oregon and Washington."
***** "Like their 60-foot (18-meter) cousins from the
deepwater trenches, they are voracious predators.* They
have 10 tentacles, including two long tentacles they use
to pull their prey to their razor-sharp beaks."
***** "Their tentacles are lined with teeth-lined sucker
cups and, with 24 micro-teeth in each cup, each squid has
over 25,000 teeth.* They school in warm waters and then
come up to swarm in maniacal feeding frenzies.* When set
off, they will even eat each other and anything else in
their path."
***** "They are roaming the canyons amid underwater
seamounts off the Bay area, 400 to 2,000 (120 to 600
meters) deep, and they can fire up to the surface,
swarming around boats by the hundreds.* Those aboard gawk
in disbelief as the squid swirl and surge in 20-foot (6-
meter) blasts from their water jets, changing from the
classic white-beach color to black, red or opaque with a
phosphorescent glow."
***** "The discovery started on New Year's Day (Saturday,
January 1, 2005) on a scientific research trip out of
Bodega Bay run by Rick Powers aboard the New Sea Angler.
Powers had volunteered his boat for a research trip by the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to
study rockfish reproduction at Cordell Bank."
***** "'I was looking for chilipepper rockfish, so we ran
to the deep water at the Bank, 380 to 450 feet (130 to 175
meters) of water, and looking at my fishfinder, I saw this
little mark at the bottom,' he said, 'We let down and
started hauling giant squid.'"
***** "In the past three weeks, the discovery had turned
into a phenomenon."
***** "In 13 trips on the New Sea Angler to Cordell Bank, a
total of 640 people (40 per trip) have caught some 9,000
squid, taking an average of 14 squid per person.* The
average squid has been 20 pounds, with the largest
weighing 58 pounds, caught by Pat Martin of Sacramento,"
California's state capital.* "Most fishermen are going
home with 150 to 200 pounds of one-inch (2.5-centimeter)
thick calamari steaks."
***** "Out of Half Moon Bay, Captain Tom Mattusch had
similar success when he made the first squid-hunting trip
in his boat, Huli Cat.* His first trip, with six people
aboard, was a shock, catching 53 squid.* It was the first
time that Humboldt squid had ever been taken by
recreational anglers off Half Moon Bay."
***** "In San Diego this past week, it was a similar story,
where 51 anglers aboard the boat New Seaforth caught 290
***** "And yet you can get skunked just as easily, as
Powers reported from a trip last weekend.* The squid were
so voracious and such fast swimmers that they were
continually on the move in their search for food.* 'Now
you see them, now you don't."
***** "Most credit the arrival of the giant squid in these
waters to the nation's mild El Nino event, where the water
is 54 to 57 degrees (Fahrenheit) off the Bay area coast
instead of a more typical 47 to 52 degrees" in February.
***** "Sunfish, also known as mola molas, more typical to
southern California waters, have also been spotted in the
Gulf of Farallones in the past two weeks.* According to
scientists, these squid will eat 10 to 25 pounds of meat
daily and can grow an inch (2.5 centimeters) in that day,
and yet they live only a year to two."
***** "Yet it can get crazier.* When you bring one to the
surface, hundreds of giant squid can suddenly surround the
boat, and they can start attacking each other.* According
to one story, one squid was being gaffed at the rail--
another squid shot into the air and attacked the gaffe,
and then several more appeared and attacked the jumping
(See the San Francisco Chronicle for February 28,
2005, "They came from beneath the sea.* Just like in 1930.
Giant squid crowd Bay area by the millions."* Many thanks
to Terry Duckworth, "the Archimagos Maximus of
Tsathoggua," for this newspaper article.)
(Editor's Note:* For more on California's giant squid
invasion, see UFO Roundup, volume 10, number 4 for January
26, 2005, "Hundreds of squid invade southern California,"
page 2.)
UFO ROUNDUP: Copyright 2005 by Masinaigan Productions, all
rights reserved.* Readers may post news items from UFO
Roundup on their Web sites or in news groups provided that
they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list
the date of issue in which the item first appeared.
E-Mail Reports to: Joseph Trainor >
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