I have heard second-hand that the giant squid aren't very tasty.
Katra wrote:
> Not quite sure how I'd cook one of these!
> Any ideas out there???
> --
> Volume 10, Number 10
> March 9, 2005
> Editor: Joseph Trainor
> E-mail:
> Website: http://www.ufoinfo.com/roundup/
> Well, it looks as if the squid assault on the beaches
> of Orange County was just a diversion. Cthulu and his
> undersea legions are making their main effort in the San
> Francisco Bay area.
> The San Francisco Chronicle reported "the arrival of
> another species of giant squid, the Humboldt squid, also
> called the 'jumbo squid,' offshore of the Bay area and
> along much of the Pacific Coast."
> "They average 15 to 60 pounds and generally measure
> up to 6 feet (1.8 meters) long, but there is a historical
> record of one that reached 700 pounds. They have not been
> seen in significant numbers off the Pacific Coast since 1930."
> "But here they are, these giant squid, not hundreds,
> not thousands, but millions of them. They have roared in
> from the depths across the Pacific to within 20 miles (32
> kilometers) of Half Moon Bay and Bodega Bay. Many others
> have been detected in southern Baja (California), San
> Diego and even Oregon and Washington."
> "Like their 60-foot (18-meter) cousins from the
> deepwater trenches, they are voracious predators. They
> have 10 tentacles, including two long tentacles they use
> to pull their prey to their razor-sharp beaks."
> "Their tentacles are lined with teeth-lined sucker
> cups and, with 24 micro-teeth in each cup, each squid has
> over 25,000 teeth. They school in warm waters and then
> come up to swarm in maniacal feeding frenzies. When set
> off, they will even eat each other and anything else in
> their path."
> "They are roaming the canyons amid underwater
> seamounts off the Bay area, 400 to 2,000 (120 to 600
> meters) deep, and they can fire up to the surface,
> swarming around boats by the hundreds. Those aboard gawk
> in disbelief as the squid swirl and surge in 20-foot (6-
> meter) blasts from their water jets, changing from the
> classic white-beach color to black, red or opaque with a
> phosphorescent glow."
> "The discovery started on New Year's Day (Saturday,
> January 1, 2005) on a scientific research trip out of
> Bodega Bay run by Rick Powers aboard the New Sea Angler.
> Powers had volunteered his boat for a research trip by the
> National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to
> study rockfish reproduction at Cordell Bank."
> "'I was looking for chilipepper rockfish, so we ran
> to the deep water at the Bank, 380 to 450 feet (130 to 175
> meters) of water, and looking at my fishfinder, I saw this
> little mark at the bottom,' he said, 'We let down and
> started hauling giant squid.'"
> "In the past three weeks, the discovery had turned
> into a phenomenon."
> "In 13 trips on the New Sea Angler to Cordell Bank, a
> total of 640 people (40 per trip) have caught some 9,000
> squid, taking an average of 14 squid per person. The
> average squid has been 20 pounds, with the largest
> weighing 58 pounds, caught by Pat Martin of Sacramento,"
> California's state capital. "Most fishermen are going
> home with 150 to 200 pounds of one-inch (2.5-centimeter)
> thick calamari steaks."
> "Out of Half Moon Bay, Captain Tom Mattusch had
> similar success when he made the first squid-hunting trip
> in his boat, Huli Cat. His first trip, with six people
> aboard, was a shock, catching 53 squid. It was the first
> time that Humboldt squid had ever been taken by
> recreational anglers off Half Moon Bay."
> "In San Diego this past week, it was a similar story,
> where 51 anglers aboard the boat New Seaforth caught 290
> squid."
> "And yet you can get skunked just as easily, as
> Powers reported from a trip last weekend. The squid were
> so voracious and such fast swimmers that they were
> continually on the move in their search for food. 'Now
> you see them, now you don't."
> "Most credit the arrival of the giant squid in these
> waters to the nation's mild El Nino event, where the water
> is 54 to 57 degrees (Fahrenheit) off the Bay area coast
> instead of a more typical 47 to 52 degrees" in February.
> "Sunfish, also known as mola molas, more typical to
> southern California waters, have also been spotted in the
> Gulf of Farallones in the past two weeks. According to
> scientists, these squid will eat 10 to 25 pounds of meat
> daily and can grow an inch (2.5 centimeters) in that day,
> and yet they live only a year to two."
> "Yet it can get crazier. When you bring one to the
> surface, hundreds of giant squid can suddenly surround the
> boat, and they can start attacking each other. According
> to one story, one squid was being gaffed at the rail--
> another squid shot into the air and attacked the gaffe,
> and then several more appeared and attacked the jumping
> squid."
> (See the San Francisco Chronicle for February 28,
> 2005, "They came from beneath the sea. Just like in 1930.
> Giant squid crowd Bay area by the millions." Many thanks
> to Terry Duckworth, "the Archimagos Maximus of
> Tsathoggua," for this newspaper article.)
> (Editor's Note: For more on California's giant squid
> invasion, see UFO Roundup, volume 10, number 4 for January
> 26, 2005, "Hundreds of squid invade southern California,"
> page 2.)
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> UFO ROUNDUP: Copyright 2005 by Masinaigan Productions, all
> rights reserved. Readers may post news items from UFO
> Roundup on their Web sites or in news groups provided that
> they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list
> the date of issue in which the item first appeared.
> E-Mail Reports to: Joseph Trainor >
> or use the Sighting Report Form at:
> http://www.ufoinfo.com/submit/sightings.shtml
> --
> K.
> Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
> There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet
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