> Try posting your query on ba.food or the San Francisco/Bay Area board at:
> www.chowhound.com
> [note that navigating chowhound.com requires the patience of a SAINT, it is
> a huge static file plus which the moderators are *insanely* anal...best to
> peruse lotsa back posts and then ask yer questions. Be specific.].
> 'Frisco is made out to be some kind of touristic - culinary wonderland, the
> reality is somewhat different. If you can get beyond the bums in the street
> and the arrogance of the air - headed locals there are several days worth of
> things to see...
Thanks for the heads up on chowhound.com. Patience doesn't head the
list of my virtues. Maybe I'll be able to able to find good suggestions
from just the back posts.