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D.A.Martinich wrote:

> I'll second Leila's excellent list and I'll add a couple more things.
> If you get tired of SF's ultra-trendy restaurants and want something a
> little more traditional go to Swan's Oyster Depot for oysters, shrimp
> cocktails, etc. Don't miss SF's oldest eatery, the Tadich Grill for
> charcoal-broiled fish and old fashioned ambience (and that goes for
> Sam's Grill). For steaks with an Italian-American accent, go to
> Alfred's. If you enjoy modern art, the SF Museum of Modern Art is a
> must. You should also experience the newly rehabbed Ferry Bldg., now a
> food court and then ride the J line vintage street cars to the Maritme
> Museum at Aquatic Park. You can grab a cable back to downtown from
> there. I f you have time , take a ferry to Sausalito, Angel Island, or
> Oakland. The Oakland Museum is worth the trip. And then there's the
> New Deal era murals in Coit Tower on Telegraph Hill along with it's
> great views. And much, much more..
> Enjoy-
> D.M.

Since I live in a land locked area, (third coast or not, Dallas is not
coastal), I just can't bring myself to order raw oysters around here.
I'm looking forward to trying out your suggestions.

All your suggestions looks great - thanks!
