On Sun, 13 Mar 2005 14:35:30 -0500, limey > wrote:
> The cheese shops, the delis, the bakeries with their breads, croissants and
> pain du chocolate, and (for me!) the wonderful patisseries with their
> tempting fruit tarts, Napoleons and other sinful things, are absolute musts.
> Forget about bringing those home, though - just indulge.
LOL, no need to tell me twice. <g>
> Re the end of your first post - we have always been greeted warmly by the
> French, especially since we are not strident and "Ugly Americans". The
> French have told us some sad tales about that. We want them to know we are
> there to learn and to get to know the people better. The occasional rude
> ones? Of course. Try any big city here. I don't know how much French
> you speak but the most important French words to learn aren't "please" or
> "thank you", but "where's the restroom, please?" <G>
I took French in high school and a bit in college, but I'm terribly
rusty. I _used_ to be fairly good at the comprehension part, but my accent is
very poor. Still, I think I can remember enough to scrape by.
"Pardonnez-moi Monsieur/Madame, mais ou-est le W.C., s'il vous plait?" ;D
Dysfunction: The only consistent feature of all your dissatisfying
relationships is you.