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Alan Zelt
Posts: n/a

"Charles Gifford" > wrote in message
> "serene" > wrote in message
> > Oh, this sounds *wonderful*. I will see if I can squeeze some more
> > travel home into my schedule. I'm set to visit in April, July, and
> > October -- maybe I could move July to June. Hmm.
> >
> > serene

> That would be most excellent! I have long enjoyed your posts here and on
> sdnet. It would be a good thing to have a face to put with your name. If

> can make it, let me know via email. In the meantime I'll put you on the
> "maybe" list!
> Charlie

Well, the SBF and I are scratching our collective heads about your cookin.
Will be heading to the Bay area during 4th of July period for Amy's wedding.
Not sure what we can do with the schedule. But, Chas, it does give us pause.
Will keep you informed.

Alan<--- who just had his "traditional" St. Patrick's day dinner of CB,
cabbage and spuds. Washed down with Cel-ray tonic!!!! Thought that would
make you queasy on both accounts. There is a place in Seattle called
Market Meat, that sells only CB and pastrami. Nothing else in the whole
store. Been open for eons. Just take it home and put it in oven with a mix
of water and coke, and slow bake, covered. Just as good as CB in the Apple.