Thanks for the comments on my problem with gritty truffles,
Alex. I made some mint truffles for the daughter over the week-
end and didn't use any sugar in them and it still ended up
"looking" gritty. I say they looked gritty because the truffle
mass, as it cooled, had that slightly separated and not totally
smooth look. I can't feel the grit on my palate, but I assume
that others can.
I need to get a food processor so that I can finely chop the
chocolate. Right now I've got huge chunks off a 10 pound bar
that I'm having to melt. They can be stubborn. I think my
chocolate might be degrading during the prolonged melting
I was looking at Fran Bigelow's PURE CHOCOLATE cookbook
this weekend and I note that she doesn't even want you to
refrigerate the truffle mixture, just cover it and let it set out
overnight at room temperature. My truffle mixture would never
be solid enough to ball up and dip using her method. I like the
centers nice and soft.
Oh! I copied off the list of "cheap" chocolates you recom-
mended. At least half of them looked familiar from Choco-
sphere. Is there another major source that you're getting
chocolate from?
Thanks again, Michael