In article >, "Doug Kanter"
> wrote:
> "Dan Abel" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Perhaps you read it but don't remember what it said. It said basically
> > that an assault rifle is an assault rifle, because it's an assault rifle.
> >
> > I'm still waiting for Sandi to post a definition of an assault rifle (what
> > makes it different from a hunting rifle).
> Dan, you know as well as I do that the term "assault rifle" raises giggles
> in gun discussion groups. If the "real definition" exists, I think its
> purpose is to provide the basis with which to shut down unruly newspaper
> reporters who think anything with a flashlight attached is an assault rifle.
You know and I know, but John Q. Public wants to ban assault rifles
because they are so dangerous.
> I love words.
But usually they mean something. Most laws have decent definitions in
them. The failure to find any kind of decent definition in the California
law banning their sale is why I keep bringing this up.
Dan Abel
Sonoma State University