Well, I refrigerate leftovers of cat food in the can all the time, but
for some reason, I rarely do it with my own food. Of course, most of
the time I use canned food for human consumption, I use the entire can
of whatever it is in the recipe I'm making. It usually requires
heating or other further preparation, so I rarely have the problem with
canned foods for human consumption. The rare exceptions would be canned
fruit...and that I always put into glass or plastic containers b/c
fruit is acid and I was just taught not to leave fruit in the can.
However, I have noticed cans from vegetables like corn, peas and
potatoes all have a white lining now, as do the cat food cans.
I always get those plastic lids for the canned cat food...I usually
keep one aside for "human" cans and if I do run into a can of veggies
that I don't plan to consume in one sitting or repackage the leftovers,
I will just pop a clean cat food can lid on top and put it in the
The cat food cans don't sit for more than 12 hours in the fridge. She
gets half a can, morning and night.
The cans are lined, as I said, so I don't think it's a big problem.
Thing is, I make my living off of liability and personal injury
cases....I know how litigious people are and those "guidelines" are
really just to limit liability for the food processors. Better to err
on the side of caution, right?