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Bob (this one)
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zxcvbob wrote:

> Bob (this one) wrote:
>> just like blowhole Sheldon whose last original thought was to
>> fingerpaint with that stuff he found in his diaper. Amazing power
>> over the physical universe, they all have...

> Actually, Sheldon's last original thought was to use the word
> "pecksniff" (borrowed from Dickens) to describe a certain type of
> obnoxoius asshole that wanders in here occasionally. The word wasn't
> original, but I believe the application was.

Nah. It's in the dictionary, and in several forms - pecksniffian as
adjective, for example. Nothing new there. I picked it up in the early
60's in a lit course.

> It's a good word; a classic literary reference that sounds vaguely
> obscene. I think it's Sheldon's most valuable contribution to the
> group. He should have quit while he was ahead.

If that was his greatest contribution, then he's in bigger trouble
than even I thought. It wasn't his, like most of his "wisdom" that
comes from books and websites unattributed.

Poor Sheldon...
