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In article >,
(Gal Called J.J.) wrote:

> For those who missed it, we had some discussion of "what is
> scrapple?" last week. I was working up a recipe with my diet
> software this morning, looking for cream of mushroom soup
> (which I abbreviate to "cream of mush") and found the
> following entry:
> Scrapple (liver mush or pan has)
> "Liver Mush". That sums it up quite well, and as was pointed
> out in the previous thread, the liver gives it that greyish
> hue. And here I always thought that was caused by "ageing"
> (to be kind) of the meat bits. I still wouldn't eat scrapple,
> but at least the thought doesn't make me gag quite so much
> now... ;-)

I would _never_ EVER make scrapple with liver!!!

That's just gross. :-P


Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...

There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again. -- Swami Beyondanada

>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra