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Frank Mancuso
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Default grapes in savory dishes

Mia wrote:

> hi group
> I have a carton of red seedless grapes that I want to use in a savory dish
> to complement seared duck breast. I found some recipes for grape chutneys,
> including one that used tomatoes -- I'm not sure about it tho. does anyone
> have recommendations for ingredients to use in a grape chutney? I'd also
> appreciate any non-salad ideas you have for savory grape recipes that would
> fit well with a duck breast. I searched the net but came up with mostly
> versions of duck stuffed with grapes, recipes that didn't quite appeal to
> me, and many instances of a common joke about a duck that begins..."... A
> duck walks into a bar and goes up to the bartender. The bartender says "What
> can I get you?" Duck: Umm. Do you have any grapes?" ...
> thank you in advance,
> Mia

This one sounds good:
(Food TV's site had a couple too)