Beans and eggs?
Socks wrote:
> Ken Knecht wrote:
>> Do beans and eggs make an edible combination? I was thinking of
>> trying bean burrito filling (refried beans, chili powder, onions,
>> cumin, orgeno, green chilis) with eggs - maybe mixed with
>> scrambled or in an omelet. Anyone ever tried anything like this?
>> I could just give it a try but hate to waste the food if it's not
>> edible.
> the Green Burrito chain used to (maybe still does) make their
> breakfast burritos as refried beans, scrabled eggs, hot sauce. it
> always worked for me.
oops, forgot the cheese, above ^
> sometimes i'll do a breakfast burritos that's (trader joe's 89c) flour
> tortilla, (vons no fat) refried beans, an over-east or scrabled egg,
> and (salsa brava) hot sauce.
> guilt is reduced if you do a bike ride before or after.
and did some east <-> easy, scrabled <-> scrambled typos