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Bronwyn wrote:
> I have an idea you might like to comment on to make this newsgroup
> even more fun.
> Digital cameras make instant pix so easy these days. My sister and I
> live in different states and both love cooking. We are always asking
> each other on the phone what is on the table for dinner etc. and
> dinner plans for having company (just like this newsgroup <g>). So
> sometimes I take a quick pix of what I have prepared and email it to
> her and vice versa.
> In my other newsgroup hobby (quilting/patchwork) we use Webshot or
> Yahoo Pix Albums where a post on a particular subject will include the
> web link. Interested parties to the post can then go and view the pix
> at their leisure. Recipes could be asked for etc.
> So, gang, is this a good idea or am I off the mark?
> To start off and show you a link to my Album, I uploaded a few pix of
> some of my recent dishes (well, over the last year).
> Maybe some one has thought of this before.
> Cheers
> Bronwyn
> Qld, Oz

There's also for posting and viewing photos of food if you
can get binary groups on your server.
