"Charles Gifford" > wrote in message
> "Alan Zelt" > wrote in message
> news:yx6Zd.4544$b_6.1257@trnddc01...
> >
> > Well, the SBF and I are scratching our collective heads about your
> Do you scratch your own heads, scratch each other's, or switch back and
> forth? Do your collective legs twitch in simpathy? These are important
> issues.
Very worthy questions, indeed.
> > Will be heading to the Bay area during 4th of July period for Amy's
> wedding.
> > Not sure what we can do with the schedule. But, Chas, it does give us
> pause.
> > Will keep you informed.
> A patriotic wedding! You must be vibrating with mixed emotions. There is
> contest here though. There is no doubt of the importance of a wedding over
> cook-in.
Hmm, don't get me started on that line.
> > Alan<--- who just had his "traditional" St. Patrick's day dinner of CB,
> > cabbage and spuds. Washed down with Cel-ray tonic!!!! Thought that would
> > make you queasy on both accounts. 
> I admire and love the Boston-Irish tradition of CB and cabbage! But the
> Cel-ray!!! <gag and gack!> It would be so much better with gallons of
> Irish tea.
Well, I was just not in the mood for building a Guinness.
> > There is a place in Seattle called
> > Market Meat, that sells only CB and pastrami. Nothing else in the whole
> > store. Been open for eons. Just take it home and put it in oven with a
> > of water and coke, and slow bake, covered. Just as good as CB in the
> Apple.
> Oh! How I wish we such a place here. the folks on our local San Diego food
> newsgroup has discussed this issue many times. It is a greatly felt
> to our community not to have decent corned beef and pastrami.
The fabric of life is greatly enriched by one or two food items that carry
you through on the journey. A good CB has always been one for me. Plenty
left for laying down between two slices of homemade sour onion rye bread!!
> If you and Kaari find you can make it, you would both be welcomed with
> arms to our Cook-In. Let me know if there is any change.
> Charlie
When thinking about you, I recall dinner at Flying Fish a few years back. A
good night. Speaking of which, Kris Keff, chef extraordinaire at FF is also
head of national womens' chef group. She sent a letter to the Shrub's wife,
suggesting it was high time for a female chef in the White House. She may
just have a good point there. Seattle has always been home to a large and
excellent group of distaff chefs.