Thread: Back to 1975
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Emery Davis
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On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 18:53:13 GMT, "Nils Gustaf Lindgren" <nils.lindgren@NOT=> said:

] Hello;
] One of our youngsters was born 1975, so turns a ripe and mellow 30 this=20
] summer. I have started to find wines from that year - port is a natural a=
] it was declared vintage by many of the good producers, and our own hawker=
] stocks some in their treasure chest. However, apart from first growth Hau=
] Medocs and Petrus, which wines are still alive and drinkable today? I wou=
] hazard some Bourg reds, perhaps some Mosel Rieslings, but I=B4m uncertain=
] Hints are eagerly accepted.

Hi Nils,=20

Veyr late to this, but how about a Chateau Neuf? There are some excellent
75s that are holding up well (if you like old CdP of course). Certainly tr=
alive. And available sur place from both Mont Redon and Grand Tinel.
I believe these were still the "old style" Mont Redons...


Emery Davis
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