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Lionel Dabbadie
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limey > wrote:

> > "Pardonnez-moi Monsieur/Madame, mais ou-est le W.C., s'il vous plait?"
> > ;D
> >
> > Ariane

> OR --
> Pardonnez-moi, Monsieur/Madame, mais où sont les toilettes, s'il vous plaît?

The Belgians say "la toilette" (singular), whereas the French say "les
toilettes" (plural) and there is a joke saying that this is because in
France, you have to visit several before finding one clean... (I'm
French, living in France so it's a self joke !)

As you go to Arles, try to visit its famous provencal open-air market
(on saturdays morning, if I'm not wrong) because you should find there
many good things at a good price ! Saucissons, candy, patés, olives,
handicrafts (tablecloth etc.) etc. You can also plan to stop at Laguiole
to buy the knife that some people suggested, as it could be on your
itinerary : <>

Have a nice trip !