Faye wrote:
> Thanks for your comments about my question on the hot sauce. Where do
I find
> the FAQ's section? Sorry if this is a silly question but I don't know
> to find this.
> Faye
The FAQ is at
http://www.gbronline.com/jacke/rfpfaq/rfpFAQ.htm and the
section I mentioned is in Part 9, Section V, subsection A.2. Jump to
the TOC, Part 9 then browse to the referenced section, click on it and
it will take you to the appropriate place in the FAQ. There are 5
recipes given, 3 that are bad but fixable, one that is bad and
unfixable and one good one. The FAQ goes through how to evealute each
one for safety and how to 'fix' the fixable ones. A quick look at that
section implies to me (I didn't go through the whole process) that the
recipe you gave is NOT safe - too low in acid.
Good luck.