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Ariane Jenkins
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On Tue, 15 Mar 2005 17:04:39 +0100, Lionel Dabbadie > wrote:
> The Belgians say "la toilette" (singular), whereas the French say "les
> toilettes" (plural) and there is a joke saying that this is because in
> France, you have to visit several before finding one clean... (I'm
> French, living in France so it's a self joke !)

LOL, sounds promising. <g>

> As you go to Arles, try to visit its famous provencal open-air market
> (on saturdays morning, if I'm not wrong) because you should find there
> many good things at a good price ! Saucissons, candy, patés, olives,
> handicrafts (tablecloth etc.) etc. You can also plan to stop at Laguiole
> to buy the knife that some people suggested, as it could be on your
> itinerary : <>
> Have a nice trip !

Hmmm, unfortunately we will not be there on a Saturday, but my
guidebook said there's a large open air market on Wednesdays, too--we'd be
able to catch that one.

As for the Lagiuole, we _are_ in the market for new steak knives. Ours
were hand-me downs for when we first got married, and now I can only find
three of them. Thanks, Lionel!

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