In article >,
"Doug Ventura" > wrote:
> Katra,
> Here's what you need to do:
> Step 1: Learn to spell it correctly.....Calamari
It was late.
> Step 2: Go to and type in calamari in the recipe search
> window.
Do they have recipes for _giant_ squids???
> Generally speaking....go with Emeril or Sara for more mainstream
> recipes......Tyler or Mario for more exotic recipes.
> Make sure you learn how to clean and cut the squid. Again....foodtv can
> advise or, alternatively, search for instructions on Google.
I did a post on how to clean squid when somebody asked me a few weeks
ago when I got some large squids from the oriental market. Each one was
over 12" long. I grew up cleaning squid with my mom and I do know how to
cook the smaller ones! I've promised to re-post intstructions with
pictures next time I do them. I have that saved to the desktop to remind
me next time the oriental market has them available.
I was just curious what one would do with a 1/2" thick squid steak! <G>
I'd probably slice it thin and either use it in sea food stir fry,
seafood chowder or bread it in spiced corn meal and flour and deep fry
But thanks!!! ;-)
> Good Luck,
> Doug from Massachusetts
Sprout the Mung Bean to reply...
There is no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again. -- Swami Beyondanada
>,,<Cat's Haven Hobby Farm>,,<Katraatcenturyteldotnet>,,< id=katra